The atempo group

atempo was founded in 2000 as a non-profit association “atempo for the equality of people”. In the first 5 years, the association managed all operational business and laid the foundation for the atempo range of services. The development of the atempo offers made it necessary to professionalize and differentiate the organizational structure.

Therefore, atempo today consists of a group of three organizations:

  1. the non-profit association atempo
  2. the non-profit atempo GmbH
  3. the social impact CFS GmbH

Who is part of the atempo group?

The non-profit atempo GmbH implements the offers “education” and „capito“ for the Styria area (capito Graz). In addition, atempo GmbH runs the restaurant „das Lorenz“ at the site headquarters, where people with learning difficulties can learn and work.

On behalf of the atempo association, Social Impact CFS GmbH is responsible for the development of the social franchise network as well as for the further development and marketing of atempo products on the open market. Since this field of activity is to be classified as social business, CFS GmbH did not apply for non-profit status. CFS GmbH is therefore subject to the tax conditions of a “normal” company.

In 2016, the development of the first information technology products was started and a comprehensive digitalization strategy was elaborated in 2017. This strategy is the cornerstone for the future development of the atempo Group as a beacon for digital inclusion. Specifically, the online platform ava, the writing assistance and nueva online were developed as software products and are on the market.