Visionary and networker.
Even in stormy situations (almost) always calm.

Klaus Candussi is co-founder and chairman of the association atempo.

Experience and Competences

  • Studies of musicology, degree Mag.Phil. at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz
  • Social management studies, MAS degree at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
  • Work experience as regional secretary of Lebenshilfe Styria
  • Managing director of several organizations working for and with people with disabilities
  • Journalist, consultant and lecturer
  • Ashoka Fellow since 2015, graduate of the Ashoka Visionary Program 2016 for innovative leadership and impact orientation

Leadership experience

  • Experience in building and leading social organizations and in designing and managing transnational development projects.
  • Co-founder and, together with Walburga Fröhlich, central representative of the atempo Group.

Special knowledge and experience

  • Working with people with learning difficulties and disabilities, as well as working with self-help organizations
  • Experience as an organizational consultant, moderator and lecturer
  • journalistic practice and lecturing activities
  • many years of experience in stakeholder management

Board and supervisory board functions

  • Chairman of the atempo association
  • Board member of the “Österreichischer Franchiseverband ÖFV” (Austrian Franchise Association)